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2013 September | Volume 8 | Issue 9
Direct Quantification of mRNA and miRNA from Cell Lysates Using Reverse Transcription Real Time PCR: A Multidimensional Analysis of the Performance of Reagents and Workflows
Yoon Khei Ho1 , Wen Ting Xu2 , Heng Phon Too1,3,4*
National University of Singapore

Journal of Clinical Oncology
Volume 33 | No.15
A serum microRNA biomarker panel for detection of gastric cancer
Jimmy So, Ruiyang Zou, Lihan Zhou, Heng-Phon Too, Feng Zhu, Yik Ying Teo, Celestial T Yap, Sun Young Rha, Koji Kono, Joanne Yoong, Khay Guan Yeoh, Wei-Peng Yong
A*STAR, Cancer Institute of Singapore, National University Hospital, National University of Singapore, MiRXES, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Fukushima Medical University

MiRXES Research Publications
Cancer Letters
2018, issue 423 p1-8
Longitudinal monitoring reveals dynamic changes in circulating tumor cells (CTCs) and CTC-associated miRNAs in response to chemotherapy in metastatic colorectal cancer patients
Karen Tan a, **, Sai Mun Leong c , Zizheng Kee c , Patrick Vincent Caramat a , James Teo a , Michael Vito Martin Blanco b , Evelyn S.C. Koay c , Wai Kit Cheong d , Thomas I-Peng Soh b , Wei Peng Yong b , Angela Pang b, *
Department of Laboratory Medicine & Department of Surgery National University Hospital, Department of Pathology, National University of Singapore, National University Cancer Institute
App Note
Development and Validation of An Serum MiRNA Biomarker panel for the Detection of Early Stage Lung Cancer
Lisha Ying1,2, Ruiyang Zou3 , Nan Zhang 1,2 , Jiaoyue Jin 1,2 , JunzhouWu 1,2 , Fanrong Zhang 1,2 , Kaiyan Chen4 , Lihan Zhou3 , Dan Su 1,2
Zhejiang Cancer Research Institute, Zhejiang Cancer Hospital, MIRXES (hangzhou) biotechnology Co., LTD
Annals of Oncology
2017, Volume 28 | x117–x118
Serum miRNA Assays for detection and management of gastric and lung cancers
L. Zhou
R&D, MIRXES Pte Ltd, Singapore
Journal of Translational Medicine
(2017) 15:156
Analysis of circulating microRNAs in patients with repaired Tetralogy of Fallot with and without heart failure
Masood Abu‑Halima1,4*, Eckart Meese1 , Andreas Keller2 , Hashim Abdul‑Khaliq3 and Tanja Rädle‑Hurst3
1 Department of Human Genetics, Saarland University, 2 Chair for Clinical Bioinformatics, Saarland University 3 Department of Pediatric Cardiology, Saarland University Medical Center, 4 Department of Human Genetics, Saarland University Medical Center, Germany.
Front Physiol. 2019; 10: 379.
Plasma Protein and MicroRNA Biomarkers of Insulin Resistance: A Network-Based Integrative -Omics Analysis
Hyungwon Choi,1,2,3,*† Hiromi W. L. Koh,1,2,† Lihan Zhou,4 He Cheng,4 Tze Ping Loh,5 Ehsan Parvaresh Rizi,1Sue Anne Toh,1 Gabriele V. Ronnett,6 Bevan E. Huang,7 and Chin Meng Khoo1,*
Janssen funded the experimental work. This work was also supported in part by grants from Singapore National Medical Research Council (NMRC-CG-M009, to CK and HyC) and Singapore Ministry of Education
J Am Coll Cardiol.
2019 Mar 26;73(11):1300-1313
Combining Circulating MicroRNA and NT-proBNP to Detect and Categorize Heart Failure Subtypes.
Wong LL1, Zou R2, Zhou L2, Lim JY1, Phua DCY3, Liu C3, Chong JPC1, Ng JYX1, Liew OW1, Chan SP1, Chen YT4, Chan MMY5, Yeo PSD6, Ng TP7, Ling LH8, Sim D9, Leong KTG10, Ong HY11, Jaufeerally F12, Wong R13, Chai P13, Low AF8, Lund M14, Devlin G15, Troughton R16, Cameron VA16, Doughty RN17, Lam CSP18, Too HP19, Richards AM20.
National University of Singapore-Cardiovascular Research Institute,, Health Research Council of New Zealand, Exploit Technologies, Agency for Science, Technology and Research
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